Computer Stuff

Here you will find permanent links to all the computer related items we will be using this year.

First of all... remember that most of the programs we will be using will be based on our board username.  That is very important.

There are three big programs we will be using

1. I will be presenting in OneNote - it will mostly be for class lessons and general worksheets.
2. You will be able to see marks in Google Classroom.
3. You will be able to do work in Google Drive and submit digital work in Google Classroom.

Login and Password Information

Date: <<Date>>
Your Classroom Number: <<Number>>
Your Email: <<Username>>
Your Username:<<Username>>
Your Password: <<Password>>
Mr Carlen’s Class Blog:
To get into EDSBY
  1. Hit "Students"
  2. In the list that appears - hit "Edsby"
  3. Login with your username: <<Username>>  and  password: <<Password>>
To Get into Google Classroom
  1. Hit "Students"
  2. In the list that appears - hit "Google Apps"
  3. Login with your username: <<Username>>  and  password: <<Password>>
  4. In the search bar type in “Classroom”