Monday, September 14, 2020

Day 1 In the Books

 Well, today was a good day. It was great seeing all of the students and getting back into a routine.  We have ironed out a few last minute challenges and are working to move forward with a bit more academics tomorrow. Have a relaxing night

One thing I forgot to mention in my communication was that students need to bring a water bottle as we are not allowed to use the water fountain.

Welcome to 2020!!!

 So this year will be challenging.  Here are the big ideas to start September off.

Here are the big changes/ideas/organizational setups for this year.

  1. Students A-L will come to school Monday, Tuesday and Friday

  2. Students with last names M-Z will come to school Wednesday and Thursday and Friday. 

  3. Students will get off the bus and come directly to our room each morning.

  4. I am in the second portable -  farthest from the road.

  5. We will be sanitizing our hands with sanitizer in the portable each time we enter. 

  6. Masks have to be worn in the classroom.

  7. Students need to try to socially distance

  8. We have no gym time - but I will be making time in class and outside for exercise.

  9. No library - but the librarian will come to the portable with books and activities.

  10. French Teacher - will come to the portable to teach.

  11. Students will eat in the portable.

  12. Desks will be in rows and separate from others.

  13. Shared technology will not be handed out, but students are welcome to bring their own

  14. Shoes - only 1 pair of shoes needed we will not be changing shoes as we have in the past . 

  15. Supplies - some pencil crayons or markers - I will supply a binder pencils and an eraser if needed.


Other than the obvious changes above, I am striving to make it as stress-free as possible.

I will be focusing a lot on mental health and well-being for the first bit of time.

I look forward to starting the year! 


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Fun With Archery!

Hi All - Great fun with archery yesterday. We are beginning to get into our routines and I hope the students are beginning to understand my expectations. I think we are hitting the mark!

Tonight is our Meet the Teacher night and Open House. The BBQ will be from 5 pm - 6 pm and classroom visits will start at 6pm.

Our annual Terry Fox Day is Thursday September 28th.  Kent Public School has been proud supporters of the Terry Fox Foundation for over thirty years.  We will be joining all of the other area schools by walking to the High School at 9:50 am (some primary classes may choose to only walk in our neighbourhood).  All of the area schools meet at the high school and walk together to Ferris Park and back.

We are asking all of our students to donate a twoonie to the Terry Fox Foundation.  Please bring your twoonies to your classroom teacher by Thursday September 28th. I will not be there, but we will need Parent Supervisors - if you have some time and you have a valid Polic Reference Check on File, please consider helping out!